In our very hands lies the ultimate power right at our disposal—our words and our voices. What we do with this power will re-direct the trajectory of our status quo.

Do we want to constantly wake up in a reality where inequality, injustice, and oppression casually persist unchecked? Or do we desire accountability to inspire transformative changes and live a life in a society that thrives on fulfilled promises of more progressive and unprejudiced times?

Let today be a reminder that, as a democratic country, it is us, the people, our words, and our voices that hold the deciding power. Let us not be silenced; let us not turn a blind eye; let us not become harbingers of destructive ideals and be puppets of society.

To speak out and to stand up is not an act of crime or terrorism, as we are told—it is a civic right and responsibility we bear to uphold.


Caption by Lexine Cruz
Pubmat by Bianca Corporal