I do not want to give you dead flowers,
I want my love to be timeless and eternal,
Not snipped memories you only remember,
But a vivid image you photograph,
Like a stamp on a sincere letter,
Ink permeates into your rough skin.

Carefully, I plant a seed and soon it will live,
Deeply into the depths of your earth,
Growing taller than the clouds in your dreams,
It wildly blooms everywhere and anywhere,
Invading shadows and crevices and asphalts,
Cracking you open until light illuminates,
You find yourself broken yet somehow ethereal.

The light escapes, glowing through the holes,
But the candle inside never runs out,
Heat melts your truest soul,
There are no stars in the night,
Only the solitude of the moon,
Glancing petals await the brightness of the sun.


Written by Savannah Lantay
Painting: Jeanne-Marguerite Lecadre in the Garden (1866) by Claude Monet